Monday, January 10, 2011

Kristen Stewart: Culinary Champ

If her acting career ever stalls out, Kristen Stewart may have a bright future in the realm of gourmet cooking.

According to her ?On The Road? costar Garrett Hedlund, the ?Twilight? babe is quite the talented chef.

Hedlund recently told press, ?You got to try the tortilla soup! It?s incredible. She?s honed it.? Kristen also declared, "I didn't bake; I cooked a lot, though. I was the only girl on set. I think I can do a really, really good, terrific tortilla soup. That was my 'On the Road' dish."

And at a recent party, Kristen?s creation was a big hit. "I get really embarrassed when people ask me what I cook, for some reason. I shouldn't say that I cook anymore. There was like a big BBQ situation and, like, a bunch of steaks and veggies, and I made chicken piccata. I'm so embarrassed right now. But I made homemade marinara sauce starting at, like, 2 in the afternoon. It wasn't done until 8. It was incredible. The 'Twilight' cast showed up."


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