Saturday, October 8, 2011

Nia Vardalos & Scott Fujita Honored At Angels In Adoption Gala

My Big Fat Greek Wedding star Nia Vardalos recently shared her personal adoption story with Celebrity Baby Scoop: "I really think this all happened to me for a reason...We all found each other: my husband, our daughter, me, our dogs. We all adopted each other. This was supposed to happen this way."

The Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute (CCAI) honored Nia, along with NFL Linebacker Scott Fujita, on Wednesday night (October 5) at the annual Angels in Adoption Gala in Washington, D.C. As an adoptee himself, Scott is passionate about raising awareness surrounding adoption. And of course, Nia said that adoption changed her life: "A peacefulness came over me when I met our daughter."

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