Saturday, May 28, 2011

Jason Sudeikis Gives Kristen Stewart a Haircut

Jason Sudeikis Gives Kristen Stewart a Haircut

In preparation for his upcoming gig as host of the MTV Movie Awards on June 5, SNL cast member and Horrible Bosses star Jason Sudeikis decided he should meet some of the nominees before the big night, including Twilight star Kristen Stewart. Perhaps Stewart got more than she bargained for: A new promotional clip shows Sudeikis popping in to say hello -- and also to cut Stewart's hair! Watch below...



When Sedeikis bursts into Stewart's dressing room with a jovial greeting, Stewart says, unsmilingly, "You're not my hairdresser." Sedeikis introduces himself, "I'm the host of this year's MTV Movie Awards..."

Stewart says, challengingly, "How are you with a pair of scissors?"

Sudeikis holds up his own pair of hairdressing choppers, and Stewart says, "Let's see what you got!" Sudeikis then plops a bowl down on Stewart's head, getting ready to chop away.

The latest entry in the Twilight franchise, Eclipse, leads in MTV nominations, having scored eight nods. Both Kristen Stewart and on- and off-screen leading man Robert Pattinson have been nominated multiple times. Looks like it's going to be Twlight vs. Harry Potter once again.

The MTV Movie Awards air June 5 at 9 p.m. EST. We'll have to wait until then to see whether Kristen Stewart shows up with a bowl cut!


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