Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Jane Fonda Poses Without Photoshop

Jane Fonda without airbrushing

What's that? Wrinkles on the cover of a national magazine? Could it be?!?! Jane Fonda, looking fabulous at 73, posed on the cover of Good Housekeeping (you know, that magazine your grandma reads?) sans airbrushing. "I feel sorry for these young actresses coming up," Fonda told the magazine, continuing:

"If they have a dimple on their buttock, there's a close-up of it in some gossip magazine. So there's a cult of perfection. Consequently all the young people who emulate celebrities think they have to look perfect and that's so destructive."

Granted this is observation is coming from a woman with plastic surgery who is famous, in part, for her line of aerobics videos. But hey, I'll take my feminists in Hollywood where I can get them. [Daily Mail UK]


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