Friday, August 6, 2010

Bruce Jenner Defends Kendall Jenner Bikini Pics; New Modeling Photos Released

The rather mature statement Kendall Jenner released last week regarding her controversial bikini pictorial isn't enough for Bruce Jenner. That former Olympian has spoken out himself in defense of his daughter, saying he doesn't understand why she received any flak at all for posing in a bathing suit. "She wasn't showing anything that was inappropriate - you know, too much cleavage or anything like that," he sais. "They were just like hot shots ... I saw the pictures and I said, 'OK.' If that is what she wants to do - she wants to be a model - then more power to her." That is definitely what the 14-year old wants to do, as step-sister Kim Kardashian released the following new pictures (courtesy of photographer Nick Saglimbeni) on her blog this week: Kendall Jenner wants to follow in her siblings' modeling footsteps. That's fine. But let's just keep her away from Ray J.Sandra Bullock Angelina Jolie Brad Pitt Lindsay Lohan

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